Art Documentation
Open Studio
Art Documentation Open Studio provides the space and equipment for you to properly photograph your artwork. We highly suggest taking the free Art Documentation Workshop before signing up for open studio time, as instruction is not provided during these sessions. Signup for 30-minute photography time slots. The time slots are for photographing work, you may stay longer to edit photographs if needed. Spots are limited.
All events are free and open to the public. Registration Required.
Coming Soon!
What's provided?
Cameras, photography equipment, lighting, and computers with the Adobe suite. (Equipment cannot be rented for use outside of the EAC)
Free flash drives to store your images.
What to bring?
Bring your artwork ready to be photographed (2D and 3D work)
Make sure your artwork is ready to be hung (2D) or displayed in a lightbox (3D). Avoid reflective glass on paintings or drawings.
Make sure you know what order you'd like to photograph your pieces in. This will save time.
Open Studio Guidelines
No eating or drinking in the studio.
You are only permitted to sign up for 1 time slot per Open Studio session.
Arrive 5-10 minutes early before your time slot and be ready to go when it's your turn.
You cannot go over your allotted time. If you are late, you are late. Extra time is not added to the end.
Equipment cannot be loaned or rented from the EAC.
You may stay past your 30-minute time slot to edit images on an EAC computer or your own device.
Be kind and respectful to other students and EAC staff.
Please make sure to register below.
Open Studio 1
Coming Soon!
Open Studio 2
Coming Soon!
Open Studio 3
Coming Soon!
Open Studio 4
Coming Soon!
Open Studio 5
Coming Soon!
1717 Central Street, Evanston, IL 60201
The EAC Portfolio Day and Documentation Days are generously funded by the Phillip & Edith Leonian Foundation